Roberto Burchielli English Biography

Roberto Burchielli was born in Milan in 1966, he graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Pavia, with a disputation of a thesis titled: “ I cinegiornali e i documentari dell’Istituto Nazionale Luce dal 1945 al 1955.” (Newsreels and documentaries of L.U.C.E. from 1945 to 1955)

After his apprentice, which started in 1992, as a screenplay-writer, author and TV-director, he debuts as movie director in November 2002 with the musical: “Come se fosse amore” (If it wish love) with Cavalli Marci, Chiara Muti and Gino Paoli (movie that was awarded with: “Premio Speciale della Giuria” (jury’s special award) presided by Mario Monicelli, at the Montecarlo Film Festival de la Comedie). His career goes on with alternation of reportage like  “Sbirri” (Cop), about fight against drugs, played by Raoul Bova, and spectacular movies.

He did commercials on Parmigiano Reggiano, Sammontana, Teletu,Mitsubishi and other companies . He has already finalised a web serie and a movie for “Rai Fiction” and “il Corriere della Sera” called “La scelta di Catia” (Catia’s choice), about first woman commanding officer of Italian Navy, and a web serie for “Benetton” e “La Repubblica” called  “Sguinzagliate” (Unleashed).  He writes a culumn of cinema called “Una scena, un’immagine appena”(Some scene, just  one imagine) on SETTE, the weekly of “ Il Corriere della Sera”, from wich is born the book   “Indovina il film?” (Guess the movie?) published by Book Time.





Storie in divisa (Men in uniform)- a docu-reality about Carabinieri for

Canale 5


Federica Pellegrini-  movie about  swimmer World champion for Rai Fiction and Rai Tre


Cronache di frontiera 2 (Border Chronicles)- a docu-reality  for Sky  Atlantic e Sky TG24


Cronache di frontiera (Border Chronicles)- a docu-reality for Sky  Atlantic e Sky TG24


La scelta di Catia, (Catia’s choice) movie forRai Fiction and web serie for “il Corriere della Sera”, Rai Tre


Sguinzagliate, (Unleashed) web serie for Benetton and La Repubblica


Artistic director of Deasapere Channel, on Sky from  2013


Non smettere di sognare (Follow your dreams) tv series Canale 5 (8 episodes)


I ragazzi del sabato sera  (The saturday night’s  guys) a movie about abuse of drugs , Raitre and

Non smettere di sognare (Follow your dreams, the movie)  Canale 5


Sbirri (Cop)  a movie with Raoul Bova for Mediaset and Medusa. Winner of the Prix du Public at the Festival of Annecy


La vittima e il carnefice  (Victim and  executioner)  a movie about domestic violence,  Raitre


La grande paura (The main fears) movie, Raitre


Cocaina ( Cocaine) movie about drugs in Milan,  Raitre


La memoria ha un costo ( Memory has a price)  movie about  Don Ciotti and his fight against mafia,  La7


Genova 01, Il seme della follia (Genova 01, the seed of madness)  a movie about the  G8 of Genova,  La7


Vita per vita ( Life for life)  a movie about organ transplans,  La7


Napoli, vita morte miracoli  (Naples, life death and miracles) a movie about the camorra’s guys,  La7

Winner of Premio Flaiano 2007

Winner of Mitreofilmfestival 2007


Stato di paura (State of fears)  a movie about the wall of Via Anelli in Padova, La7

Winner of  premio Ilaria Alpi 2007


Ultimi giorni a Lampedusa  (Last days in Lampedusa)   a movie about the arrivals of refugees in Italy, La7

Shown in the European Parliament



Giovanni Paolo II: Sine die    movie for  Rai 1

Winner of   “Ischia Global Film

Fest 2005”


Ogni maledetta domenica  (Any given sunday)   about hooligans

                                                        RAI Fiction,

                                                        Winner of  “Bergamo Film Festival”,

winner of Festival del Cinema

Indipendente di Salonicco






He tutors movie directing and editing  at the Università IULM of Milan and at the Film Commission of Milan.





Indovina il film? (GUESS THE MOVIE?) Ed. Book Time


        Cinecittà, la fabbrica dei sogni  (CINECITTA’, THE DREAMS’


                                                               Ed. Boroli Editore